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Update Realm Objects - Kotlin SDK

On this page

  • Update Operations
  • Update an Existing Object
  • Update a Realm Object
  • Update an Embedded Object
  • Update Multiple Objects
  • Update Realm Properties
  • Update a MutableRealmInt (Counter) Property
  • Update a RealmAny (Mixed) Property
  • Update Collection Properties
  • Update a RealmList
  • Update a RealmSet
  • Update a Dictionary
  • Update Relationships
  • Update a To-One Relationship
  • Update a To-Many Relationship
  • Update an Inverse Relationship
  • Upsert a Realm Object

This page describes how to update an existing Realm object in a local or synced realm using the Kotlin SDK. To learn more about creating objects in a realm, refer to Create Realm Objects - Kotlin SDK.

Realm supports update and upsert operations on Realm objects and embedded objects. An upsert operation either inserts a new instance of an object or updates an existing object that meets certain criteria. For more information, refer to the Upsert a Realm Object section on this page.

You cannot update asymmetric objects. This is because asymmetric objects are special write-only objects that do not persist to the realm. For information on how to use asymmetric objects in your application, refer to Stream Data to Atlas - Kotlin SDK.


Write to a Synced Realm

The syntax to update an object in a realm is the same for a local or a synced realm. However, there are additional considerations that determine whether the write operation in a synced realm is successful. For more information, refer to Write Data to a Synced Realm - Kotlin SDK.

All operations that modify a realm - including update and upsert operations - must be performed inside of a write transaction. Write transactions are passed to the realm's write() or writeBlocking() method. Within this callback, you can access a MutableRealm instance, and then update objects within the realm. For more information on write transactions and how Realm handles them, refer to Write Transactions.

Additionally, you can only modify live objects, which are only accessible inside of a write transaction. You can convert a frozen object to a live object in a transaction with mutableRealm.findLatest().


Convert Frozen Object Before Modifying

val frozenFrog = realm.query<Frog>().find().first()
// Open a write transaction
realm.write {
// Get the live frog object with findLatest(), then update it
findLatest(frozenFrog)?.let { liveFrog -> = "Kermit"
liveFrog.age -= 1

To modify the properties of a Realm object or embedded object stored within a realm:

  1. Open a write transaction with realm.write() or realm.writeBlocking().

  2. Get the live objects by querying the transaction's mutable realm for the objects that you want to modify using query():

    1. Specify the object type as a type parameter passed to query().

    2. (Optional) Filter the set of returned objects by specifying a query. If you don't include a query filter, you return all objects of the specified type. For more information on querying with the Kotlin SDK, refer to Read Realm Objects - Kotlin SDK.


    Objects Must Be Live

    You can only modify live objects. If your query occurs outside of the write transaction, you must convert the frozen objects to live objects in the transaction with mutableRealm.findLatest().

  3. Modify the object within the write transaction. You can use an apply block to configure multiple properties at once. All changes are automatically persisted to the realm when Realm commits the write transaction.


Updating Strings or Byte Arrays

Because Realm operates on fields as a whole, it's not possible to directly update individual elements of strings or byte arrays. Instead, you must read the whole field, make your modification to individual elements, and then write the entire field back again in a transaction block.

To update a Realm object, query for the type using a filter that returns the specific object that you want to update. Then, modify the object properties.


Use Unique Identifying Information

We recommend filtering with unique identifying information such as a primary key value to ensure your query returns the correct object.

In the following example, we query a Frog object by primary key, then update the name and age properties:

// Query and update a realm object in a single write transaction
realm.write {
val liveFrog = query<Frog>("_id == $0", PRIMARY_KEY_VALUE).find().first() = "Michigan J. Frog"
liveFrog.age += 1

You can update an embedded object by modifying individual properties or by overwriting the entire embedded object.


Access Embedded Objects with Dot Notation

You can use dot notation to access embedded object properties as if it were in a regular, nested object. For more information, refer to Filter By Embedded Object Property.

To update one or more properties in an embedded object, fetch the parent or embedded object and reassign the embedded object properties in a write transaction.

In the following example, we have a Contact object that contains an embedded EmbeddedAddress object. We update the embedded object properties in several operations:

// Modify embedded object properties in a write transaction
realm.write {
// Fetch the objects
val addressToUpdate = findLatest(address) ?: error("Cannot find latest version of embedded object")
val contactToUpdate = findLatest(contact) ?: error("Cannot find latest version of parent object")
// Update a single embedded object property directly
addressToUpdate.street = "100 10th St N"
// Update multiple properties
addressToUpdate.apply {
street = "202 Coconut Court"
city = "Los Angeles"
state = "CA"
postalCode = "90210"
// Update property through the parent object
contactToUpdate.address?.state = "NY"

To overwrite an embedded object completely, assign a new embedded object instance to the parent property in a write transaction. This deletes the existing embedded object.

In the following example, we have a Contact object that contains an embedded EmbeddedAddress object. We define a new EmbeddedAddress object and assign it to the parent property:

realm.write {
val parentObject = query<Contact>("_id == $0", PRIMARY_KEY_VALUE).find().first()
val newAddress = EmbeddedAddress().apply {
propertyOwner = Contact().apply { name = "Michigan J. Frog" }
street = "456 Lily Pad Ln"
country = EmbeddedCountry().apply { name = "Canada" }
// Overwrite the embedded object with the new instance (deletes the existing object)
parentObject.address = newAddress

You can also update multiple objects in a realm:

  1. Query a realm for a collection of objects with realm.query().

  2. Open a write transaction with realm.write() or realm.writeBlocking().

  3. Update elements of the set of RealmResults returned by the query.

val tadpoles = realm.query<Frog>("age <= $0", 2)
for (tadpole in tadpoles.find()) {
realm.write {
findLatest(tadpole)?.name = + " Jr."

Depending on how you define your object type, you might have properties that are special Realm-specific types.

You can use the following Realm API functions to update a MutableRealmInt property value:

  • increment()

  • decrement()

  • set()

These methods return the MutableRealmInt property with a mutated value.


Use set() Operator with Caution

The set() operator overwrites any prior calls to increment() or decrement(). We do not recommend mixing set() with increment() or decrement(), unless fuzzy counting is acceptable for your use case.

In addition to the Realm API functions, you can also use the following set of operators and infix functions similar to those provided by Kotlin's standard library for Long:

  • Unary prefix operators: unaryPlus, unaryMinus

  • Increment and decrement operators: inc, dec (not to be confused with increment and decrement)

  • Arithmetic operators: plus, minus, times, div, rem

  • Equality operators: equals

  • Comparison operators: compareTo

  • Bitwise functions: shl, shr, ushr, and, or, xor, inv

However, these operators and infix functions do not mutate the instance on which they are called. Instead, they return a new unmanaged instance with the result of the operation.


Only Realm Methods Result in a Mutated Value

The only operations that result in a mutated value are the Realm API functions: increment, decrement, and set. All other operations (including inc and dec) return an unmanaged instance with a new value.

In the following example, we update a MutableRealmInt property with increment(), decrement(), and set() operations:

// Open a write transaction
realm.write {
// Get the live object
val frog = query<Frog>("_id == $0", PRIMARY_KEY_VALUE).find().first()
val counter: MutableRealmInt? = frog.fliesEaten
counter?.get() // 1
// Increment the value of the MutableRealmInt property
// ** Note use of decrement() with negative value **
counter?.increment(0) // 1
counter?.increment(5) // 6
counter?.decrement(-2) // 8
// Decrement the value of the MutableRealmInt property
// ** Note use of increment() with negative value **
counter?.decrement(0) // 8
counter?.decrement(2) // 6
counter?.increment(-1) // 5
// Set the value of the MutableRealmInt property
// ** Use set() with caution **
counter?.set(0)// 0

RealmAny properties are immutable. To update a RealmAny value, you must create a new instance of the property with the desired value and type. For more information on adding RealmAny properties, refer to Create a RealmAny (Mixed) Property.

Additionally, you must know the stored type to extract the value from a RealmAny property. If you call a getter method with the wrong type, Realm throws an exception.


Handle Polymorphism with Conditional Expressions

Because you must know the stored type to extract its value, we recommend using a when expression to handle the RealmAny type and its possible inner value class.

val favoriteThings = frog.favoriteThings
when (favoriteThings.type) {
INT -> rating(favoriteThings.asInteger())
STRING -> description(favoriteThings.asString())
BYTE_ARRAY -> image(favoriteThings.asByteArray())
// Handle other possible types...
else -> {
// Debug or a perform default action
Log.d("ExampleHandler", "Unhandled type: ${favoriteThings.type}")

In the following example, we update a Frog object that contains a list of RealmAny properties by creating new instances of each list element:

// Find favoriteThing that is an Int
// Convert the value to Double and update the favoriteThing property
realm.write {
val kermit = query<Frog>().find().first()
val realmAny: RealmList<RealmAny?> = kermit.favoriteThings
for (i in realmAny.indices) {
val thing = realmAny[i]
if (thing?.type == RealmAny.Type.INT) {
val intValue = thing.asInt()
val doubleValue = intValue.toDouble()
realmAny[i] = RealmAny.create(doubleValue)
// Overwrite all existing favoriteThing properties
// ** Null clears the property value **
realm.write {
val frog = query<Frog>().find().first()
val realmAny: RealmList<RealmAny?> = frog.favoriteThings
realmAny[0] = RealmAny.create("sunshine")
realmAny[1] = RealmAny.create(Frog().apply { name = "Kermit Sr." })
realmAny[2] = null


Clear a RealmAny Property Value with null

You can assign null directly to a RealmAny property to remove the current value.

Depending on how you define your object type, you might have properties that are defined as one of the following supported Collection Types:

  • RealmList

  • RealmSet

  • RealmDictionary

Collections are mutable and are backed by their corresponding built-in Kotlin classes. You can add and remove elements in a collection within a write transaction.


Listen for Changes to a Collection

You can register a notification handler to listen for changes. For more information, refer to Register a Collection Change Listener.

You can update elements in a RealmList as you would a Kotlin MutableList.

In the following example, we update RealmList elements for an existing Frog object:

realm.write {
// Get the live object
val realmList = query<Frog>("name = $0", "Kermit").first().find()!!.favoritePonds
realmList[0].name = "Picnic Pond"
realmList.set(1, Pond().apply { name = "Big Pond" })

For more information on adding and removing RealmList elements, refer to Create a RealmList and Remove Elements from a RealmList.

You can add, update, and remove elements in a RealmSet as you would a Kotlin MutableSet.

In the following example, we iterate through and update RealmSet elements for existing Frog objects:

// Find a frog in the realm
val kermit = realm.query<Frog>("name = $0", "Kermit").find().first()
val realmSet = kermit.favoriteSnacks
// Update the name of each snack in the set
for (snack in realmSet) {
realm.write {
findLatest(snack)?.name =
realm.write {
// Find all frogs who like rain
val frogsWhoLikeRain = realm.query<Frog>("favoriteWeather CONTAINS $0", "rain").find()
// Add thunderstorms to their favoriteWeather set
for (frog in frogsWhoLikeRain) {
val latestFrog = findLatest(frog)

For more information on adding and removing RealmSet elements, refer to Create a RealmSet Property and Remove Elements from a RealmSet.

You can update keys and values in a RealmDictionary as you would a Kotlin MutableMap.

In the following example, we update a RealmDictionary

// Find frogs who have forests with favorite ponds
val thisFrog = realm.query<RealmDictionary_Frog>("favoritePondsByForest.@count > 1").find().first()
// Update the value for a key if it exists
if (thisFrog.favoritePondsByForest.containsKey("Hundred Acre Wood")) {
realm.write {
findLatest(thisFrog)?.favoritePondsByForest?.set("Lothlorien", "Lily Pad Pond")
// Add a new key-value pair
realm.write {
findLatest(thisFrog)?.favoritePondsByForest?.put("Sherwood Forest", "Miller Pond")

For more information on adding and removing RealmDictionary entries, refer to Create a Dictionary Property and Remove Dictionary Keys/Values.

Depending on how you define your object type, you might have properties that reference another Realm object. This can be a to-one, to-many, or inverse relationship.

You can also embed one Realm object directly within another to create a nested data structure with an EmbeddedRealmObject type. For more information, refer to Update an Embedded Object section on this page.

You can update relationships between objects in a realm by modifying the properties that define the relationship the same way you would update any other property.

In the following example, we have a Frog object with a favoritePond property that references a single Pond object and a bestFriend property that references another Frog object:

realm.write {
val kermit = query<Frog>("name == $0", "Kermit").find().first()
// Update a property on the related object
kermit.favoritePond?.name = "Big Pond"
// Assign a new related object
val newBestFriend = Frog().apply { name = "Froggy Jr." }
kermit.bestFriend = newBestFriend

You can update to-many relationships the same way you would update any other collection. Refer to the Update Collection Properties section on this page.

In the following example, we have a Forest object with a frogsThatLiveHere property that references a set of Frog objects and a nearByPonds property that references a list of Pond objects:

realm.write {
val forest = query<Forest>().find().first()
// Update a property on a related object in the set
forest.frogsThatLiveHere.first().name = "Kermit Sr."
// Add a new related object to the list
forest.frogsThatLiveHere.add(Frog().apply { name = "Froggy Jr." })

You can access and update objects in an inverse relationship. However, you cannot directly modify the backlink collection itself. Instead, Realm automatically updates the implicit relationship when you modify any related objects. For more information, refer to Define an Inverse Relationship.

In the following example, we have a parent User object with a backlinks posts property that references a list of Post child objects. We update properties on the parent and child objects through the backlink:

realm.write {
// Update child objects through the parent
val parent = query<User>().find().first()
parent.posts[0].title = "Forest Life Vol. 2"
parent.posts.add(Post().apply { title = "Forest Life Vol. 3" })
// Update child objects (Realm automatically updates the backlink collection)
val child = query<Post>("title == $0", "Top Ponds of the Year!").find().first()
child.title = "Top Ponds of the Year! Vol. 2"
assertEquals("Top Ponds of the Year! Vol. 2", parent.posts[1].title)
// Update the parent object through the child
child.user[0].name = "Kermit Sr."
// ** You CANNOT directly modify the backlink collection **
val readOnlyBacklink: RealmResults<User> = child.user

To upsert an object into a realm, insert an object with a primary key using copyToRealm(), as you would when creating a new object, and pass an UpdatePolicy parameter to specify how the SDK handles existing objects with the same primary key:

  • UpdatePolicy.ALL: Update all properties on any existing objects identified with the same primary key.

  • UpdatePolicy.ERROR (default): Disallow updating existing objects and instead throw an exception if an object already exists with the same primary key. If you do not specify an update policy, Realm uses this policy by default.

The following can occur depending on the update policy:

  • If no object exists that matches the primary key, the SDK inserts the new object.

  • If an object with the same primary key already exists, the SDK either:

    • Updates all properties on any existing objects identified with the same primary key. Note that properties are marked as updated in change listeners, even if the property was updated to the same value.

    • Throws an exception indicating that an object already exists in the realm.

In the following example, we attempt to insert a Frog object with a primary key that already exists in the realm with UpdatePolicy.ALL and confirm the object is successfully upserted:

realm.write {
val existingFrog = query<Frog>("_id == $0", PRIMARY_KEY_VALUE).find().first()
assertEquals(, "Kermit")
// Use copyToRealm() to insert the object with the primary key
// ** UpdatePolicy determines whether to update or throw an error if object already exists**
copyToRealm(Frog().apply {
name = "Wirt"
age = 4
species = "Greyfrog"
owner = "L'oric"
}, UpdatePolicy.ALL)
val upsertFrog = query<Frog>("_id == $0", PRIMARY_KEY_VALUE).find().first()
assertEquals(, "Wirt")



