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Class AppConfiguration

On this page

  • io.realm.mongodb
  • Nested Class Summary
  • Field Summary
  • Method Summary
  • Inherited Methods
  • Field Detail
  • loginObfuscators
  • Method Detail
  • equals
  • getAppId
  • getAppName
  • getAppVersion
  • getAuthorizationHeaderName
  • getBaseUrl
  • getCustomRequestHeaders
  • getDefaultClientResetHandler
  • getDefaultCodecRegistry
  • getDefaultErrorHandler
  • getDefaultSyncClientResetStrategy
  • getEncryptionKey
  • getHttpLogObfuscator
  • getRequestTimeoutMs
  • getSyncRootDirectory
  • hashCode

An AppConfiguration is used to setup a MongoDB Realm application.Instances of an AppConfiguration can only created by using the AppConfiguration.Builder and calling its method.

Configuring an App is only required if the default settings are not enough. Otherwise calling new App("app-id") is sufficient.

Modifier and Type
Class and Description
public static
Modifier and Type
Field and Description
public static final String


The default header name used to carry authorization data when making network requests towards MongoDB Realm.

public static final String


The default url for MongoDB Realm applications.

public static final CodecRegistry


Default BSON codec registry for encoding/decoding arguments and results to/from MongoDB App Services backend.This will encode/decode most primitive types, list and map types and BsonValues.

public static final long


The default request timeout for network requests towards MongoDB Realm in seconds.

public static final Map


Default obfuscators for login requests used in a MongoDB Realm app.This map is needed to instantiate the default HttpLogObfuscator , which will keep all login-sensitive information from being shown in Logcat.

This map's keys represent the different login identity providers which can be used to authenticate against an app and the values are the concrete obfuscators used for that provider.

Modifier and Type
Method and Description
public boolean
public String

Returns the unique app id that identities the Realm application.

public String

Returns the name used to describe the Realm application.

public String

Returns the version of this Realm application.

public String

Returns the name of the header used to carry authentication data when making network requests towards MongoDB Realm.

public URL

Returns the base url for this Realm application.

public Map

Returns any custom configured headers that will be sent alongside other headers when making network requests towards MongoDB Realm.

Returns the default Client Reset handler used by synced Realms if there are problems with their SyncSession .

public CodecRegistry

Returns the default codec registry used to encode and decode BSON arguments and results when calling remote Realm io.realm.mongodb.functions.Functions and accessing a remote io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoDatabase .

Returns the default error handler used by synced Realms if there are problems with their SyncSession .

Returns the default sync client reset strategy used by synced Realms if there are problems with their SyncSession .

public byte

Returns the encryption key, if any, that is used to encrypt Realm users meta data on this device.

Returns the HttpLogObfuscator used in the app, which keeps sensitive information in HTTP requests from being displayed in the logcat.

public long

Returns the default timeout for network requests against the Realm application in milliseconds.

public File

Returns the root folder containing all files and Realms used when synchronizing data between the device and MongoDB Realm.

public int
  • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object : getClass , hashCode , equals , clone , toString , notify , notifyAll , wait , wait , wait , finalize

The default header name used to carry authorization data when making network requests towards MongoDB Realm.

The default url for MongoDB Realm applications.


See also:

Default BSON codec registry for encoding/decoding arguments and results to/from MongoDB App Services backend.This will encode/decode most primitive types, list and map types and BsonValues.


See also:

The default request timeout for network requests towards MongoDB Realm in seconds.

Default obfuscators for login requests used in a MongoDB Realm app.This map is needed to instantiate the default HttpLogObfuscator , which will keep all login-sensitive information from being shown in Logcat.

This map's keys represent the different login identity providers which can be used to authenticate against an app and the values are the concrete obfuscators used for that provider.


See also:

public boolean equals (


equals in class Object

public String getAppId ()

Returns the unique app id that identities the Realm application.


the app unique identifier.

public String getAppName ()

Returns the name used to describe the Realm application. This is only used as debug information.


the app name.

Returns the version of this Realm application. This is only used as debug information.


the app version.

Returns the name of the header used to carry authentication data when making network requests towards MongoDB Realm.


the authentication header name.

public URL getBaseUrl ()

Returns the base url for this Realm application.


the app base url.

Returns any custom configured headers that will be sent alongside other headers when making network requests towards MongoDB Realm.


a Map of custom configured headers.

Returns the default Client Reset handler used by synced Realms if there are problems with their SyncSession .


the app default error handler.

public CodecRegistry getDefaultCodecRegistry ()

Returns the default codec registry used to encode and decode BSON arguments and results when calling remote Realm io.realm.mongodb.functions.Functions and accessing a remote io.realm.mongodb.mongo.MongoDatabase .


The default codec registry for the App.


See also:

Returns the default error handler used by synced Realms if there are problems with their SyncSession .


the app default error handler.

Returns the default sync client reset strategy used by synced Realms if there are problems with their SyncSession .


the app default error handler.

public byte getEncryptionKey ()

Returns the encryption key, if any, that is used to encrypt Realm users meta data on this device. If no key is returned, the data is not encrypted.


the encryption key if exists, or null otherwise.

Returns the HttpLogObfuscator used in the app, which keeps sensitive information in HTTP requests from being displayed in the logcat.


the HTTP log obfuscator.

public long getRequestTimeoutMs ()

Returns the default timeout for network requests against the Realm application in milliseconds.


the default timeout for network requests in milliseconds.

Returns the root folder containing all files and Realms used when synchronizing data between the device and MongoDB Realm.


the sync root directory.

public int hashCode ()


hashCode in class Object



